this month....to massachusetts! www.internationalmixtapeproject.com/ (double cd)
Uploaded by bobby stokes on 17 Oct 07, 5.06PM BST.
From the IMP website:
"What is IMP?
The International Mixtape Project is a growing community of music lovers who exchange homemade compilation tapes and CDs with like minded folks around the globe. Every month, each active IMP member is assigned the name and address of another member somewhere else in the world. The rest is simple: Send an awesome mix...Receive an awesome mix!
Month by month, members build a library of mixtapes and CD-Rs from some of the 1000 IMPers in 30 countries on six continents. Each member also controls a personal webpage within the International Mixtape Project online community. IMPers can update their profiles to match their musical interests, post original tracklists and cover art, comment on the mixes they've received from other IMP members, write blogs, and contribute to featured articles about music and mixtaping."
At the moment I won't be taking part, seeing as most of the music I would want to share is on vinyl and even though I have the technology, I haven't converted any of my vinyl onto cd/mp3 yet. Time to consider getting it done...
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