Valley’s lady mid 50’s talking to a young girl who must be here on an exchange (She had a European accent that I couldn’t place).
“Dafydd is the Welsh for David”
“I’ll tell you what my father was like”,
“My teacher in school told me that the Amazon was the longest river in the world. I went home and said ‘In school today, I learnt that the Amazon is the longest river in the world.’ My Dad said ‘No it’s not. It's the Nile. The Nile is the longest river in the world’. I said ‘But Dad, my teacher said it’s the Amazon’ I said, because I would stand up to my dad, my sister wouldn’t, but I would. He said ‘No it’s not. You go back to school and tell your teacher it’s the Nile. The Nile is the longest river in the world”
“I went to my teacher the next day and I told her my Dad said it’s Nile, she said “No it’s not, it’s the Amazon. You can tell your father that it’s the Amazon’. I didn’t tell him again and I always put it as the Amazon in school, like my teacher told me”
“You see, in those days, they didn’t know where the Amazon started and where it finished and there were bits in the middle they hadn’t found. That’s why my Dad said it was the Nile”.
“To his dying day he swore the Nile was the longest river in the world”.

Two gentlemen in expensive pinstripe suits. They were probably solicitors or barristers.
The older of the two (looked in his 60’s), as his friend was putting down the tray with their lunch on, picked up the stainless steel tea-pot and exclaimed in a frightfully posh voice:
“My Lord! I haven’t seen one of those since I was in the S.A.S.”
I should hang out in museums more often.
love it!
old people are way more interesting than youngsters. I say this because I'm 40 next months and I have to somehow start percieving it as a good thing (well at least aging beats the alternative).
Nanny Ogg
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